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Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
With the increasing growth of mobile usage, businesses are following the mobile trend, understanding the advantages of mobile strategy for their business success.
We provide iOS and Android mobile application development services that will help your business reach your audience.
Our Process
1. Research and Analysis
The first step to develop a successful mobile app is to define the desired goals of the brand and understand your target audience, always having that in mind throughout the project.
2. Sitemap and Wireframes
Our team creates the sitemap and wireframes, ensuring that we’ve considered all the app’s key pages, defining how the navigation should be structured. The wireframes show a detailed view of the content that will be on each page. This way, we analyze the objectives and function of every element.
3. Design
Here we develop the usability and design of the app. We create all the visual content, considering the brand guidelines of your business and connecting the app with all forms of the business communications.
4. Content and Assembly
Here it is necessary to develop the SEO strategy, making the app more likely to draw traffic and guaranteeing that the major search engines access your content. Our team puts in writing the very essence of what you’d like to communicate to the audience.
5. Coding
At this stage we create the app pages according to the sitemap and implement the frameworks and CMS.
Debugging, Cross-browser testing and Code Reviews are internal processes we have implemented to ensure the code’s quality both in performance and reliability. We test every line of code we write with automated tools and manually through a specific workflow in GIT (our code versioning software) and Bitbucket - an online GIT repository where our developers improve our code base everyday.
6. Testing and Launch
Our code only makes it into the production environment after passing all our internal tests which helps in preventing future issues.We make several tests to ensure the app will run properly on your user’s devices and in several browsers, including beta tester circuits on TestFlight or Google Play Beta program. After a final test, the website is launched and we publish on both App stores or internal distribution or by Enterprise programs.
7. Optimization
To ensure that everything works fine, we regularly monitor the app and server resources, suggest updates, security patches and CMS updates.
Tools, Platforms and Technologies
React it’s our preferred framework to develop the app’s code, the same code works on android and IOS keeping the native performance.
We like to test our apps as much as possible to make sure everything works perfectly. This tool allows us to test the app and make sure it works on a wide variety of devices.
It’s our favorite tool for push notifications, having several segmentation and configuration options.
This tool helps us access valuable information! Focused on apps, we use it to record user preference information, send notifications to users or create internal links.
We create apps for this system.
We create apps for this system.


Every successful project starts with a great… 1.BRIEFING How, when, why? Strategize. 3.PLANNING From concept to creation, to wow you. 4.DESIGN Agile! Sprint cycles with multiple deliverables. 5.DEVELOPMENT Do it once, do it again. Do it perfect. 6.TESTS Anticipate and minimize problems. Learn and optimize. 7.MONITORING Brainstorm, dig deep, investigate and validate. 2.RESEARCH