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Phishing attempt using Brief’s name

Dear users, Unfortunately, we were recently informed of an ongoing phishing attempt involving the misuse of the name. The fake websites, https://digitalbriefc...

Top 10 Best Christmas Digital Marketing Strategies

The holiday season is not only a time for joy and celebration but also a fantastic opportunity for businesses to boost their online presence and drive sales. With the rig...

Maximizing Your Email Marketing Strategy: Best Practices for Better ROI

  In today's digital landscape, where social media and content marketing often take center stage, it's easy to overlook the immense potential of email marketing. ...

7 Ways to Measure and Boost Your B2B Sales with Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become a vital tool for achieving sales targets and driving business growth. However, many organizations struggle with measuring the impact of their...

From Good to Great: 7 Advantages of Outsourcing to a Service Agency

The business world has been evolving to keep up with the digital evolution we have been experiencing. Agency-as-a-service is a business model that has gained significant ...

The Future of Digital Marketing: Specialist vs Generalist Digital Marketer

So you've decided you want to be a digital marketer. Awesome! This field allows you to grow, evolve and become a great professional. No doubt it is one of the profession...

How our working space affects our creativity and productivity

Creativity and productivity levels are influenced, every day, by factors that you cannot always control. However, some strategies can be adopted to manage some of these...

What makes a brand’s holiday plan successful? 4 step guide

Christmas is just around the corner. The first thing that comes to mind is...It’s December already?! Second: is your brand’s marketing strategy enough to reach your goals...

Remote Work: We are working from Home

The entire world is facing a big challenge right now. In this sense, to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading, we decided to implement a set of procedures to be followed...

Barbecue and the customer journey

The customer's journey is the experience that consumers take from the first contact with a brand to the action of purchasing or closing the sale. Your construction is ba...

Top challenges of starting a digital agency. What Brief has learned.

We live in a digital world: it is undeniable. The borders between offline and online are mixing and every day billions of people across the planet access the Internet to…

Brief is blogging! But why did we start a blog?

Have you ever thought about putting your ideas together? A will to share some of your knowledge with others? Or even looked for a new way to express your creativity? If ...